Is it safe to travel to Vietnam? Can I go to Vietnam alone?

Latest update: Mar 18th, 2023

People who tends to visit this country usually ask “Is it safe to travel to Vietnam?” Vietnam is becoming a famous country all over the world, thanks to friendly locals and wonderful landscape.

Vietnam is becoming a famous country all over the world, thanks to friendly locals and wonderful landscape. People who tends to visit this country usually ask “Is it safe to travel to Vietnam?”


You know, Vietnam’s vibrant cities welcome thousands of visitors every year. This number is also a proof that Vietnam is a friendly and safe place for people to travel.

The incidence rate of violent crime is quite low, therefore Vietnam is an ideal destination for women who want to travel alone.

Of course, every country has different problem. In Vietnam, tourists usually complain about over-aggressive street vendors, tour operators with a bad attitude and dangerous driving.

These trouble are simple and you can avoid them with a cool head and sensible planning.

Is Vietnam safe to travel now?

We are happy to say that Vietnam is one of the safest country all over the world. This is relatively safe for both men and women to travel.

No violence, no disease, no starvation, we are sure you can answer the question “Is it safe to travel to Vietnam?” for yourself.

To help you avoid small intricacy when visiting Vietnam, we have made a list should-do and should-not-do things below.


  • There is no different between greetings in Vietnam and in western countries, no cultural formalities that as a foreigner you would be expected to know or practice.
  • Vietnamese nationals dress conservatively. Despite the hot climate, it’s best not to show off too much skin.
    If you do, especially girls, you’ll only draw stares from the locals or they may feel uneasy.
  • You should dress well when visiting pagodas. DO NOT wear shorts or tatty beer t-shirts. Shoes and hat must be put off when you want to enter inside presbytery.
    If unsure, just follow what the locals do.
  • Drink plenty of bottled water, especially when walking around sightseeing, due to hot weather.
    No need to carry huge bottles around with you because there are plenty of 24/7 stores in which you can find kinds of water.
  • Keep your cash, credit cards, airline tickets and other valuables in a safe place.
  • Travel with recommended tour agencies. Even if you plan to buy tickets when in country, research your journey a little first on the Internet. Whenever you want to choose any tour agency, you should refer their information online in advance.
  • Pay attention when crossing busy roads. It may appear like an insurmountable quest, but crossing busy streets in Vietnam simply requires common sense.
    Because of this challenges, some travelers usually wonder Is it safe to travel to Vietnam? Take it easy!Let’s keep an eye out for oncoming traffic and maintain a steady pace once crossing streets. Remember, just cross the street on white line.



  • Wear too much jewelry or take a bag with you. Although it is highly unusual to find violent crime in Vietnam, but petty crime is more apparent.
    In case you have a bag, or tout a digital camera around your neck, you are a potential target. Do not facilitate for them!
  • When taking a ride by motorbike taxi (called xe om), make sure your bag, if any, is not on display or easy to grab.
    Although bag snatches are still rare, you should be aware. It raises the probability immensely if you are tailing a camera or a laptop in the wind.
  • Please don’t wear singlet, shorts, skirts or dresses which are above your knees, or revealing clothes when visiting temples or pagodas.


  • Physical displays of affection between lovers in public are frowned upon but do not overdo. That’s why you may chance upon couples who hold hands but not hugging or kissing.
  • Because losing your temper in Vietnam means a loss of face, so just need to keep a cool head and remain polite, you’ll have a greater chance of getting what you want.
  • Remember, this is Vietnam, a developing country, and things don’t quite work as you are maybe used to. Don’t be paranoid about your safety, just be aware of your surroundings.

Is Vietnam a cheap country?

Beside the question “Is it safe to travel to Vietnam?”, people also ask about the price. In fact, Vietnam is getting more expensive year by year, but it is still a cheap country to travel.

As well as nearby country like Thailand and Cambodia, cost in Vietnam are comparable. Price are acceptable but in case you think it is expensive, you can bargain.

Hotels in Vietnam are numerous and you can find them in every province. Thanks to the development of economy, hotels in Vietnam have many type, from luxury to standard.

Take a tour online with the phrase “Hotels in Vietnam”, you will receive lots of recommendation with diverse prices, you can choose some of them basing on your budget.


Do you need vaccinations to visit Vietnam?

Vaccination include cover against the childhood diseases (Tetanus and Diphtheria, Measles, Mumps and Rubella) and the food and water borne diseases, including Typhoid and Hepatitis A are recommended for most short-term travelers.

In case you wish a long period staying or trekking in the Vietnamese countryside, you should be also suggested vaccinations to cover against Hepatitis B and Rabies.

The biggest risks when travel to Vietnam tend to be associated with food and water borne diseases, mosquito bites and the traffic.

However, almost all hotels in Vietnam has sprayed periodic mosquito so you don’t need to worry about disease spreading from mosquitoes. In general, you need to care at all times to ensure a good, safe holiday.


Is it safe to travel to Vietnam? In conclusion, Vietnam is an extremely safe country to travel. The police keep a pretty tight grip on social order and there are rarely reports of muggings, robberies or sexual assaults.

Scams and hassles do exist, particularly in many tourist city such as Hanoi, Ho Chi Minh City and Nha Trang. Just need to notice carefully, you will keep yourself avoid unnecessary trouble.